Monday, April 3, 2023

List of recognized higher education accreditation organizations

This is a list of recognized higher education related accreditation organizations. The list includes agencies and organizations that play a role in higher education accreditation and are recognized by the appropriate governmental authorities.


The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) is a global association of quality assurance organizations, both governmental and non-governmental. It was founded in 1991 with 8 member organizations and now has over 280.[1] It defines its role as "to promote and advance excellence in higher education through the support of an active international community of quality assurance agencies".[2] Its membership list is available online.[3]

The United States-based Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) (a non-governmental organization) maintains an International Directory which "contains contact information about 467 quality assurance bodies, accreditation bodies and Ministries of Education in 175 countries. The quality assurance and accreditation bodies have been authorized to operate by their respective governments either as agencies of the government or as private (nongovernmental) organizations."[4]


The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) disseminates information, experiences and good practices in the field of quality assurance (QA) in higher education to QA agencies, public authorities and higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area.[5] It is a membership organization, comprising 51 agencies in 28 countries,[6] and was established in 2000 following a recommendation from the Council of the European Union in 1998.[7]

The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) was established by ENQA, the European Students' Union (ESI), the European University Association (EUA) and the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) – the European representative bodies of quality assurance agencies, students, universities and other higher education institutions – to increase the transparency of quality assurance in higher education across Europe. EQAR publishes and manages a register of quality assurance agencies that substantially comply with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) to provide the public with clear and reliable information on quality assurance agencies operating in Europe. The register is web-based and freely accessible.[8]

ENIC – NARIC comprises all countries of Europe (including the Holy See and thus all Pontifical Universities worldwide) as well as Australia, Canada, Israel, the United States of America and New Zealand.[9] The website also provides information on the higher education systems of the member countries and the accreditation agencies

To implement the Lisbon Recognition Convention and, in general, to develop policy and practice for the recognition of qualifications, the Council of Europe and UNESCO have established the ENIC Network (European Network of National Information Centres on academic recognition and mobility). The Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES jointly provide the Secretariat for the ENIC Network. The ENIC Network cooperates closely with the NARIC Network of the European Union. The Network is made up of the national information centres of the States party to the European Cultural Convention or the UNESCO Europe Region. An ENIC is a body set up by the national authorities. While the size and specific competence of ENIC may vary, they will generally provide information on: – the recognition of foreign diplomas, degrees and other qualifications; – education systems in both foreign countries and the ENIC's own country; – opportunities for studying abroad, including information on loans and scholarships, as well as advice on practical questions related to mobility and equivalence.

The NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre) network is an initiative of the European Commission and was created in 1984. The network aims at improving academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study in the Member States of the European Union (EU) countries, the European Economic Area (EEA) countries and Turkey. The network is part of the Community's Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), which stimulates the mobility of students and staff between higher education institutions in these countries. All member countries have designated national centres, the purpose of which is to assist in promoting the mobility of students, teachers and researchers by providing authoritative advice and information concerning the academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study undertaken in other States. The main users of this service are higher education institutions, students and their advisers, parents, teachers and prospective employers. The NARICs were designated by the Ministries of Education in the respective countries, but the status and the scope of work of individual NARICs may differ. In the majority of States, institutions of higher education are autonomous, taking their own decisions on the admission of foreign students and the exemption of parts of courses of study programmes that students may be granted on the basis of education undertaken abroad. As a result, most NARICs do not take a decision, but offer on request information and advice on foreign education systems and qualifications.

Czech Republic[edit]

There are public, state and private universities and colleges in the Czech Republic. Their list is maintained by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.[10] Public universities and colleges are established by Acts of Parliament. There are two state universities, namely the University of Defence[11] in Brno and the Police Academy of the Czech Republic [12] in Prague, also established by an Act of Parliament. Private universities and colleges are established by the private sector. Each of the universities and colleges can provide higher education (bachelor's, master's or doctoral) only on the basis of accreditation issued by the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education.[13] There are professional education programmes standing outside the higher education system, i.e. MBA, LLM, which are not considered as higher education programmes. The schools and institutions providing them may be umbrellaed by some private organisations, e.g. CAMBAS (Czech Association of MBA Schools).[14]


Universities may be founded or accredited only by an Act of Parliament.[15] Vocational universities may be accredited by the Government of Finland, and governed through the Ministry of Education.


The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz or KMK) was founded in 1948 by an agreement between the states of the Federal Republic of Germany.[16] Among its core responsibilities, the KMK ensures quality development and continuity in tertiary education.[17] Bachelor and Master programs must be accredited in accordance to a resolution of the Kultusministerkonerenz.[18]

The German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) was founded on September 5, 1957, and conducts institutional accreditation of private and religious universities since 2001.[19]

The Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programs in Germany or Accreditation Council (Akkreditierungsrat) was created in a KMK resolution on October 15, 2004.[20] The Accreditation Council certifies accreditation agencies and establishes guidelines and criteria for program and system accreditation.[21] There are currently ten certified agencies.[22]

  • AHPGS – Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Special Education, Care, Health Sciences and Social Work
  • AKAST – Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Canonical Study Programs
  • ACQUIN – Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute
  • AQAS – Agency for Quality Assurance by Accreditation of Study Programs
  • AQ Austria – Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria
  • ASIIN – Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics/Computer Science, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • evalag – Evaluation Agency Baden-Württemberg
  • FIBAA – Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation
  • OAQ – Swiss Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • ZEvA – Central Evaluation- and Accreditation Agency

These agencies accredit programs of study for Bachelor and master's degrees and quality management systems (system accreditation) from state or state recognized Higher Education institutions in Germany and abroad.[23] AKAST only accredit programs of study.

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