Monday, April 3, 2023

higher education accreditation organizations

Quality and Qualifications Ireland was established in 2012 as the single agency responsible for external quality assurance of higher education institutions in Ireland, replacing predecessor agencies responsible for different sectors of higher education. It is responsible for the quality assurance of education and research within HEIs. Higher education institutions have been subject to statutory quality assurance since the 1990s and the country has been an active participant in the development of the European model of quality assurance.


Since at least 1933 ( "R.D. 31 agosto 1933, n. 1592.", Law of higher education), the Italian state controls the use of the name "Universita" for an institution. This law, and successive modifications, report a list on university, schools, budget and human resources for each university. Table D, and successive modifications, reports the exact number of lecturers for each university and school. The universities were under the control of government and Parlament, e.g. all new lecturerships must be established by law. The Law "8 marzo 1999, n. 50" (called Bassanini Quater) delegate to the Minister of University and Investigation the supervision of universities. The system[citation needed] involves two separate but correlated programs that were instituted at the same time: First, each university went through a four-step process to adopt and approve its own Regolamenti Didattici di Ateneo (RDA). The RDA establishes the rules for the organization of teaching at the university, including establishing the requirements and objectives of each degree program, the curricula, credits awarded and requirements and objectives of examinations. The RDA's were developed in consultation with representatives of the individual university, the regional coordinating committee (CRC), employers and the National University Council and are ultimately approved by the Ministry of Education (MIUR). Second, a series of formal, objective standards was adopted as minimum requirements for approval of any programs.


In Spain, ANECA or Agencia Nacional de la Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) is the authorised national body responsible for the quality of the Spanish high education system.[24] It was created as a foundation in 2002 by the Cabinet of Spain under the Organic Law of Universities. Different regional agencies assume the accreditation (and quality levels) of university programs in their respective regions:

United Kingdom[edit]

Under the Education Reform Act 1988 it is illegal to offer a degree or qualification that implies it is a degree, unless the institution offering it is authorised by a royal charter or by or under an Act of Parliament, or is acting on behalf of an institution so authorised, or the award has been specifically designated by order of the Secretary of State.[25] The government maintains lists of "recognised bodies" that have the right to grant UK degrees,[26] and of "listed bodies" that offer courses validated by a recognised body and leading to degrees of that body.[27] UK institutions offering courses leading to degrees are subject to quality assurance by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).[28] The QAA is a member of INQAAHE and ENQA.[3][6] Higher Education Degree Datacheck is the official service for validating British degrees and authenticating universities.

Professional degrees may be accredited by professional, statutory and regulatory bodies to ensure they meet the educational standards for professional licensure; a list of accrediting bodies recognised by the government is maintained by the Higher Education Statistics Agency.[29][30]

For non-degree qualifications, including courses at the higher education level, there are four public accrediting bodies for the four countries of the United Kingdom. These are:

All qualifications accredited by these bodies will have a level and a credit value on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (England and Northern Ireland), the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales, or the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Bodies with accredited qualifications, such as City & Guilds, may themselves accredit education providers to deliver courses leading to these qualifications.

There are, additionally, four bodies offering institutional accreditation for private colleges that are recognized by the UK government for visa purposes:[31]

Additionally, the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODLQC) was established by the government in 1969 as the Council for the Accreditation of Correspondence Colleges and took its current name in 1995. It is now an independent body that accredits home study, distance learning and online learning providers.[36]


In Switzerland, there is still no national accreditation for private universities


The Independent Security Council (ISC), Ghana Medical Association (GMA), Pharmacy Council, and General Legal Council (GLC) are the most notable and recognised professional bodies in Ghana. Though the GMA and GLC may effectively represent the government of Ghana, the Independent Security Council is the official non-governmental Body established with the mandate to provide security training; award and accredit security programs. Unlike the GMA and GLC, the Independent Security Council academically partner with universities with security-focused departments with the aim of offering such universities courses to local citizens.

Other government recognised professional Bodies like Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), Engineering Council of Ghana, National Board for Professional and Technician Examination, and National Council for Tertiary Education are mandated with level of regulatory status in specific fields of respective practices.

Hong Kong[edit]

In Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) conducts accreditation under an ordinance that took effect on 1 October 2007.[37] The former Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation was replaced by this new authority. The HKCAAVQ maintains a list of accredited programs[38] and programs accredited by the HKCAAVQ also may be entered into Hong Kong's Qualifications Register.[39]


Universities in India are created constitutionally, through government action. Institutions "which are not established under either Central or State or UGC Act" are labeled "fake universities/vishwavidyalayas" and lack authority to grant degrees.[40]

Recognition or accreditation of courses of study is under the authority of a set of professional councils established by statute and other autonomous coordinative or regulatory bodies established or recognized by the University Grants Commission:[41]


In Indonesia according to Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education Article 55, accreditation is an assessment activity in accordance with the criteria that have been set based on the National Higher Education Standards. The accreditation is carried out to determine the feasibility of Study Programs and Higher Education on the basis of criteria that refer to the National Higher Education Standards.

Accreditation for Higher Education Institutions is carried out by the Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) or in English National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. Meanwhile, accreditation for study programs is carried out by the Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri (LAM) or in English Independent Accreditation Institute. However, before the establishment of an independent accreditation agency for a knowledge cluster, accreditation of study programs will still be carried out by BAN-PT.

1. LAM Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) concerning Natural and Formal Sciences 2. LAM Pendidikan Tinggi Kesehatan (LAM PT-Kes) concerning Health education 3. LAM Teknik concerning Engineering education 4. LAM Kependidikan concerning Teacher education 5. LAM Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis, dan Akuntansi (LAM EMBA) concerning Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting education 6. LAM Informatika dan Komputer (LAM INFOKOM) concerning Informatics and Computing education

Other than these national LAM, there's also Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering (IABEE) as a member of the Washington accord and Seoul accord. Thus it grants international accreditation for Engineering, and Informatics and Computing education.

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