Saturday, December 30, 2023

Educational technology

Educational technology

The modern use of electronic educational technology (also called e-learning) facilitates distance learning and independent learning through the extensive use of information and communications technology (ICT),[89] replacing traditional content delivery with postal correspondence. Instruction can be synchronous and asynchronous online communication in an interactive learning environment or virtual communities, in lieu of a physical classroom. "The focus is shifted to the education transaction in the form of a virtual community of learners sustainable across time."[114]

One of the most significant issues encountered in the mainstream correspondence model of distance education is transactional distance, which results from the lack of appropriate communication between learner and teacher. This gap has been observed to become wider if there is no communication between the learner and teacher and has direct implications for the learning process and future endeavors in distance education. Distance education providers began to introduce various strategies, techniques, and procedures to increase the amount of interaction between learners and teachers. These measures e.g. more frequent face-to-face tutorials, and increased use of information and communication technologies including teleconferencing and the Internet, were designed to close the gap in transactional distance.[115]

Teaching and Learning aspect

The distance education offers an opportunity to people to achieve or enhance their education qualification while doing Job or being at home. Most of the learners who joins to the fold of distance find distance education attractive, for it allows them to have their own way. The teaching  instruction is not time-bound, place-bound, nor person-bound. They can take their own time to complete courses and chose their own places to work through the courses.

Since as the term "Distance" clearly specifies that the connectivity is artificial and broken. The teacher and learner separated apart geographically hence the technology mediated connection is very much needed in distance education. In this system a distant teacher plays a significant role with a situation in which the entire teaching process and the teaching materials split into many components, each of which is performed and managed by different persons and tools, which constitute the system. The teaching acts and the learning acts too, along with the responsibilities of the teacher and those of the learner have changed.

The pedagogy aspect of distance education is fulfilled and achieved by combining various facilities offered by technology, particularly telecommunications having the potential to make distance learners autonomous and at the same time free to participate in group learning. The Print media, Audio-visual recordings, multimedia, web-conferencing etc is the back bone of this system and has connected the student and teacher upto a large extent and are contributing to achieve the distant teaching- learning process.[116]


Online credentials for learning are digital credentials that are offered in place of traditional paper credentials for a skill or educational achievement. Directly linked to the accelerated development of internet communication technologies, the development of digital badgeselectronic passports and massive open online courses (MOOCs) have a very direct bearing on our understanding of learning, recognition and levels as they pose a direct challenge to the status quo. It is useful to distinguish between three forms of online credentials: Test-based credentials, online badges, and online certificates.[117]

See also

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